What makes your hotel independently spirited and unique?

SLH is constantly looking for opportunites to promote our member hotels to global media as well as on SLH’s own social media and marketing channels. In particular, at least 50% of SLH’s Japanese language platforms (Instagram, Facebook, official website) features our Japanese hotel members.To feature your hotel, please share the requested information (where applicable) by completing this simple survey. This will help us effectively communicate your story to your desired media platforms and facilitate media stays with relevant media.

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Basic Information

This section asks for basic hotel information. We will use these information to contact you about promotional opportunities.
If submitting for more than 1 hotel, please submit a separate form for each hotel.
If applicable
If applicable
If available
ここにクリックもしくはドラッグしてアップロードする。 2ファイルまでアップロードできます。
1. Upload Hotel Factsheet / Hotel Press Kit
2. Latest 1 Press Release
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